International tickets are the cheapest they’ve ever been.
Take British Airways Boston to London in First Class for $3,700, for example—this ticket usually costs over $10,000!
Lower demand for travel and cancellations over uncertainties about the coronavirus are leading to airfare bargains. Savvy travelers can take advantage of these bargain fares for travel all over the world with little risk.
If the region you are traveling to is highly affected by COVID-19, it is likely that the airline will be waiving cancellation fees, and you will be able to refund your trip at no cost to you.
Delta, for example, has been waiving change fees for travel to Italy in light of a recent COVID-19 outbreak. Airlines want consumers to stay safe, so “good will policies” like these are common.
It can also be helpful to ask about the refund eligibility of the ticket you are purchasing at the time of purchase. The majority of the tickets sold by Cook Travel are refundable.
This is to say, if you are worried COVID-19 will impact your spring and summer travel, ask about a refundable ticket—and know that if the ticket you have already purchased is non-refundable, airlines will allow refunds in the case of epidemics, but you have to wait. If you refund now, you may lose the money you paid for your ticket.
Furthermore, travel insurance will not cover cancellations due to coronavirus—epidemics and pandemics are not included with travel insurance.
This is a wait and see situation.
Meanwhile, you can continue to plan your future travel, and take advantage of discounted premium seats to Europe ($1,060 D.C. to Paris, $1,324 New York to London).
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