On February 5th, the Department of Homeland Security issued a ban on New York Residents applying for or renewing membership in Trusted Traveler Programs such as Global Entry, which expedites entry into the U.S. from international destinations.
Currently, President Trump and Governor Cuomo are in discussions over the ban.
The action by the Trump administration is in response to the state’s Green Light Law that allows illegal immigrants to apply for driver’s licenses and blocks federal access to state Department of Motor Vehicles records. (New York Post)
The argument for the ban is that the Trusted Traveler Program requires the assurance of reliable background checks, and the Green Light Law blocks federal access to New York State’s DMV.
The ban does not affect TSA PreCheck, which allows for faster security screening at airports. It also does not affect New York Residents that are already enrolled in Trusted Traveler Programs like Global Entry, though it would effect them when they would seek to renew.
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