5 Mar 2021

Jab n’ Jet! Vacations after vaccinations


Is it the beginning of the end?
We sure hope so.

Travel… restaurants… bars… theatre… museums… concerts… movies… meeting new people… seeing old friends… the world is starting to slowly re-open…
And those 65 years and older [Read More…]

19 Feb 2021

Convenient & Comfy or Deadly & Dangerous? You be the judge…


For most of us, wearing a mask has become a part of everyday life. Yet the ability to relax — truly relax — wearing a mask is just not quite a reality yet. 

[Read More…]

15 Feb 2021

The ultimate Valentine’s Gift in 2021 is cheaper than you’d think…


After a year like none other, your spouse deserves more than just chocolates or flowers this Valentine’s Day — they deserve a vacation. And frankly, so do YOU.

Studies show that trip anticipation can be [Read More…]

28 Jan 2021

Digital Health Passports: What it is and why you need it.


Wallet? Check.

Plane Tickets? Check.

Passport? Check?

Proof of negative COVID-19 test? Um…

​​​​​​This past Tuesday, when [Read More…]

8 Jan 2021

Three Ways Covid-19 positively impacted the travel industry


It may be hard to believe there were some positive outcomes from a year that near crippled the travel industry, but a silver lining always helps any tough situation. [Read More…]

1 Jan 2021

6 Reasons Why Travel Should be a Resolution in 2021


While we are counting down the minutes till the new year (goodBYE, 2020!!), we are just as eager to start booking spring and summer travel again. Admittedly, nothing will be returning to [Read More…]

3 Dec 2020

New York to Italy Travel Corridor Opens This Month!


‘Covid-Tested’ Flights Opens Travel Corridor Between Italy and U.S. in Mid-December

After months of border closures and travel restrictions limiting American travel to Italy, Delta Air Lines and Alitalia announced plans to [Read More…]

15 Nov 2020

How to avoid the plane that killed 346 people (It’s easier than you think)


This past week —while the nation’s attention was zeroed in on the election— American Airlines quietly announced the Boeing 737 Max would return to its flying schedule next month.